St. Charbel of Lebanon

St. Charbel is one of the most revered saints in the Maronite Catholic Church. Born in Lebanon in 1828, he led a life of monastic simplicity, service to others, and, above all, great devotion to God. Charbel spent most of his life in seclusion and prayer and was known for his miraculous healings, prophecies, and asceticism. His deep prayer life has led many to seek his counsel and guidance.

Some of the most remarkable stories surrounding St. Charbel are related to the miracles he has performed since his death in 1898. Thousands of people have reported experiencing healings and various other supernatural events following an appeal to Charbel, and there have been over 26,000 miracles attributed to his intercession. His tomb in Annaya, Lebanon has become a place of pilgrimage for many of those seeking his aid.

Both during his life and following his death, St. Charbel’s miraculous deeds have touched countless lives. One such miracle involved a young girl who had been paralyzed for years. After St. Charbel prayed over her, she was able to walk again. Similarly, a man suffering from a terminal illness saw St. Charbel in a dream and was instructed to make a pilgrimage to his monastery. The man followed his instructions and was miraculously healed. Even today, thousands of pilgrims continue to make pilgrimages to the tomb of “the Miracle-worker of Lebanon” and people from all walks of life continue to be touched and moved by Charbel’s miracles.

Monastery of Saint Maroun, Tomb of Saint Charbel

St. Charbel’s life and witness continue to inspire Christians in Lebanon and around the world. Even many of Lebanon’s Muslims show reverence to this great saint and visit his tomb to seek his blessing. Charbel’s example of humility, prayer, and self-denial can teach us to live more fully in God’s grace and inspire us to grow closer to Him each day.

St. Charbel’s feast day is July 24.


 Inside the Vatican Pilgrimages invites you to join us on an extraordinary adventure of spiritual renewal as we pilgrimage to Lebanon in September 2023. To learn more, visit our page Signature Lebanon: Ancient Monasteries and Modern Saints

By ITV Staff